What is the best way to backup a Wordpress site?
 Created: 5 January 2024  Last Update: 7 February 2024

There are several ways to back up a WordPress site. In this article, we'll focus on four different methods:

  1. A WordPress backup plugin. There are tons of great free or paid options. For most people, a WordPress backup plugin is the best option.
  2. cPanel Backup Wizard. If your host offers cPanel, you can back up your WordPress site via the cPanel dashboard.
  3. Manual backup with FTP and phpMyAdmin. We don‘t generally recommend backing up WordPress manually because it’s more time-consuming than the other methods (and harder to restore), but it might be handy to know how to do this in certain situations.
  4. Custom host backup tool. Many managed WordPress hosts offer custom backup tools, which can be a great option as long as the host is storing the backups separately from your main site.

Each option has its pros and cons, so pay attention to what you value most to make the right choice.




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